Why Orgone Radionics Generators Work So Well

Orgone physics crossed into the science about 150 years ago with Wilhelm Reich and Franz Anton Mezmer. Wilhelm Reich invented the first Orgone accumulator, Then Karl Hans Welz invented the Orgone generator which is the scientific upgrade from an Accumulator. This improvement was from many years of research and development from Karl Hans Welz. You just learned how Orgone Generators work. Now you will learn why they work and why they are actually the best devices you can have.

Here is What has happened since Reich and Mezmer. Many excellent radionic units, methods, and books have been developed over the last Century. Then in 1991, Karl Hans Welz invented the 1st ELECTRIC Orgone Generator® which he aptly named the Welz Chi Generator®.

Let’s look at the history and science behind Orgone Generators very quickly.

First, there was Wilhelm Reich and Franz Anton Mesmer. About 150 years ago, Wilhelm Reich invented the first Orgone accumulator, which is a device that accumulates life force from its surroundings.

Then, in 1991, Karl Welz invented the Orgone Generator, which is a device that naturally produces Life Force or Orgone energy!

One year later, in 1992, Karl Welz invented a new material that attracts and accumulates life force, which is called Orgonite.

Orgonite is exceedingly more effective than the Reichian alternating layers of organic and metallic material.

The invention of the Welz Chi Generators combined with the best in Radionics is a new era in science itself as this technology can be used to improve and accelerate any technology. And it is Not just Technology, this technology can improve Anything you can think of. Not only technology

These inventions certainly marked the beginning of a new era in Life Force technology as well as in human history, and this is so because there is no technology in humankind where this technology cannot make a significant improvement.

We have already determined everything is energy. We are aware of 2 energies and 1 force, Gravity. If Gravity is energy then science knows of 3 energies, 1 EMF, 2 Orgone Chi, 3 Gravity.

Everything that surrounds us consists of Life Force (also known as energy, Chi, Prana, Reiki, and many other names). In fact when people say “I am low on energy”, what this really means is that they have an insufficient amount of Life Force flowing through them.

Your thoughts are Energy, Orgone Chi Life force Energy. The trigger electrical impulses that run your brain and body. Thoughts are forms of energy and can be charged, this more energy brings data with it, this data gives ideas information and actions to take. These influences can be Targeted for specific people and or events.

It is also scientifically proven that your thought forms contain Life Force or energy. In fact, it is easily detectible: when you concentrate on negative things and feel negative, you start becoming drained. When you concentrate on positive things and feel positive – you become charged! Sound familiar?

It is also known that your thought forms can be transmitted to another person or to the Universe where they materialize into a tangible reality.

When we talked earlier about link to a target and link to the desired result – well, those links, or linking is all done by your thought forms (links can also be created by physical objects too, like photos, hair, etc).

Now think for a moment: if you have thought of attracting more money into your life and now you can fuel that thought with massive amounts of energy – can you only imagine how much more money you will have? What if you can constantly fuel the thought-form with massive amounts of energy 24/7 – then how much more money you will have?

How Orgone Radionic Generators Work

Uncover never before exposed secrets of the new era of manifesting your desires and start seeing changes in rapidly. What you will discover will quickly and drastically change your life in the best possible way!

Cheers! To Your New Life.

In Less Than 30 days you will learn how to manifest most ANYTHING THAT YOU DESIRE AND MORE! Practice John MacDonald’s book “The Brain Evolution Manual” See The Changes In 30 Days Maximum! Amaze yourself and others with your new powers! It’s more effective to keep it quiet!

Chitechnology is proud to present you with a new era of manifestation. Thousands have already taken advantage of Orgone Technology to become masters of their own destiny. However, with this Technology, YOU can become a TRUE MASTER of creating your life by design at the most rapid speed – naturally! We are the number one leader dedicated to your success when it comes to using Orgone.

When you become a proud customer of Chitechnology you will acquire something most others are lacking: empirical knowledge on how to manifest your desires and the World’s leading equipment developed by Karl Welz to manifest your desires.

With us, you are always a total winner!

Let’s begin…

The Mechanics of Magic and how it Works

Many practitioners over the millennia knew magic worked but they just didn’t know how it worked. With advances in orgone physics and from long term R&D I have discovered some of the processes involved and why magic works. Everyone has seen this energy before they just didn’t know what they were looking at and that it could be used for their benefit. This biological energy is the life energy that drives our realities and determines events. This energy is everywhere running through everything linking us all together, it is the medium in which magic manifests.

To see this energy, look in the direction of any light source but not directly at the light itself. Focus a few inches in front of your face and you will see tiny squiggles of energies swimming in a pattern, this is orgone energy and drives all biological life forms. This energy is one of the unified fields Physicists allude to when discussing string theory and other scientific models. This energy is the planet’s life force field and runs through and connects everything on the planet and is a continuous real-time source for manifestation purposes.

Structuring this energy for a specific purpose and attaching it to a target to cause a specific intent is traditionally called magic. One can structure the energy using archetypal links to other energy sources such as planetary forces, an example would be using Mars (muscle and competition) to enhance your athletic abilities. All of our planets work together in dynamic ways and you can use any of their influences for manifestation purposes. You can use Radionics driven by a Chi (orgone energy) generator to set rates and frequencies for very specific purposes of manifestation. You can also link your radionic Chi generator device to your PC and drive computer radionic programs with your Chi generator.

Thousands of people around the world have been using this technology effectively and many thousands continue to use it right now to manifest abundance.

 The formula of Manifestation:

Link to a Target + Link to Desired Result + Life Force = Manifestation

Target is you, another person, or an event

Desired Result is what you want to happen

Life Force means your focus, visualization or better – using an Orgone Generator or Radionics

Manifestation means you get your desired result in rapidly.

Manifestation can be approached as a process using life force Chi technology to generate ideas information and actions needed to manifest desires

Love? More money? More toys? Bright future?

How about becoming a hero and manifesting what your loved ones desire? Do they desire well-being?

Do you want to help them solve problems? Improve their relationships? Help them find jobs? Skyrocket someone’s business?

How about getting rid of all negative energies for yourself and your loved ones, and then acquiring a powerful force of energy that will make you unstoppable?

Maybe you already read books, listened to the audios, and went to seminars to learn how to do just that. And, even though at some point you felt totally empowered, the results are still the same…

Have you tried other DIY self-help philosophies books tapes cd and systems with limited success? Have you tried technology yet? NOW is the time! It is no secret that everything is energy. Use this Life Force Chi energy to naturally create events and manifestations for the benefit of you and those you love.

Little did you know that the secret of any manifestation is hidden in the amount of energy that is designated strictly to the task of manifesting. So, read on.

Now, prepare yourself to learn exactly how it is done the right, natural way. Finally, you are able to achieve what you may have already been chasing for years: the secret of real, natural manifestation.

Let us review the simple and fascinating formula that the inventor of Orgone Generators, Karl Welz, has put into an easy to read formula:

Link to a target + link to desired results + Life Force = manifestation.

Easy as 1. Target Link 2.Trend Link 3. Energy 4. Manifestation

Now, let’s review what it all means and you will know exactly where you failed with all your previous efforts.

A Link can be either provided physically such as a photo or DNA sample or it can be generated electronically with Chi and radionics with affirmations such “I want …” Affirmations further define the manifestation results desired.

Link to a target. This is where you mentally think “I want…”, “she wants…”, “I wish…”, “…Dan shouldn’t…”, “My car…”, etc. As you can see, the target is you, any other person, an item or it can also be an event. For example “…that court case…”, “…during our date…”, “…while she was doing me…”, etc.

So, when you mentally think, for example, “I want a perfect girlfriend”, or “I want a perfect boyfriend” — “I” – which is you – is the target.

By now it should be very clear to you what the target is.

Link to the desired result. This is where you think about what you want to happen. For example, “…more money”, “close that particular business deal”, “…take Sally on a date”, “…ex returns…”, “…complete victory”, “…leave me alone”, “…be free”, “…be happy”, etc.

So, link to the desired result is your intent of what you want to happen either for yourself, for someone else, or during a particular situation. For example, what do you want to happen when you go out with a particular person on a date? Let your imagination run a little wild here and you will feel the intent, which is a link to the desired result.

Lifeforce. Now, in order for that intent to happen, Life Force is absolutely necessary. Here’s the tricky part:

The less likely the intent will happen naturally, the more Life Force is needed to make it happen naturally.

Let’s get back to the example of taking a particular person on a date and let your imagination run a little wild again.

You can, just for fun, select any person you want and actually do this thrilling, joyful imagination (and then, very soon you will know how to bring it into a reality).

So, assuming you want to take that person on a date, several interferences can take place, such as:

* The person does not consider going on a date with you

* The person may not be single

* There may be compatibility issues

* There may be natural issues in two-way attraction

* The person’s idea of a date is fully different than your idea

* The person may have different values

* There may be several interferences combined

As we talked earlier, the stronger the interference, the more Life Force you need. And where do you get the Life Force? There are several channels of Life Force, which are:

* You (your focus, imagination, visualization, etc). This is the most common channel of life force that over 99% of self-improvement books indirectly teach you to use. For example, you have probably read phrases like “…visualize what you want and believe it will come true”.

This is a really good channel of life force and usually, if you practice it 3 times a day for 21 – 30 days, you may see some visible results. For example, in the case above, you may notice that a person you want to go on a date with becomes more friendly towards you.

* Natural occurrences. You are probably familiar with terms like “live in the moment”, “be happy no matter what happens around you”, “positive thought attracts positive results”, etc.

What happens, in reality, is that you have certain energies around you which greatly depend on your environment, Astrology, and many, many other factors. When you “let go” (another term), you are allowing more good to come into your life.

This opens up a greater possibility for natural occurrences of Life Force to bring you more good. For example, if your Zodiac sign is Pisces, and you “live in the moment”, you may notice that you easily start attracting a lot of friends. Later, you may notice that you start attracting great relationships.

On the contrary, if you don’t live in the moment, stressed out, worried, and have doubts, you probably already know that you are a powerful magnet for betrayal, unfaithful partners, overspending, caring for others more than you care for yourself, etc.

Allowing natural occurrences to flow freely with your positive mindset is another really good method to summon Life Force – if you can always stay on the positive side of living in a moment.

* Orgone radionic Generators. This is where all the life force is naturally made available to you at the push of a button. This means that you can direct life force to create desired events naturally.

For example, if someone you want to go on a date with doesn’t have a natural attraction towards you, an Orgone radionic Generator can easily remove the interference of a block that stops the flow of natural attraction between you and the desired person.

A block can simply be that you originally met at a wrong time and wrong place. You know, it takes only seconds to create a powerful first impression. There can be many other blocks of all different kinds too, including Astrological incompatibility.

Then, an Orgone radionic Generator can naturally fuel a link between you and a person with the best high vibration energies, and your desired person will think of you in the best loving manner possible!

This, of course, creates a very strong natural, mental, sexual, and emotional attraction towards you.

The same principle applies to all areas of your life: love, sex, money, protection, well-being, etc.

All you have to do with an Orgone radionic Generator is “tell” it two things, which you will discover how to do next and why it is the best possible way to do it:

1. Who is the target(s)

2. What exactly do you want

In order to set up an operation with your Orgone radionic Generator, all you need is:

* Orgone radionic Generator

* Knowing exactly what you want

What you do is sit down, relax, take a piece of paper and a pen, and write down what you want with a description of whoever is the target and a link to the desired outcome.

For example, if you want more money for yourself, all you write is “I attract more money”, or “I always double my income”, or “I get $5,000.00 for my project”, or – whatever comes to your mind.

The trick in here is to write everything in the present tense.

Then, you put the piece of paper on the Orgone radionic Generator and go do whatever you want to do. The Orgone radionic Generator does all the work for you!

You can also use accessories that we offer to empower your operations even more, as well as Manifestation Programs to make your operations fast and more influential.

Why Radionics works so Well

Radionics works so well because it functions on just energy and structural energy links (more energy). Radionics is the electronic circuitry use of life force energy also known as Chi. Radionics structure Chi energy into thought forms and emotional triggers to influence specific actions from targets. I have recently read where more mainstream Quantum Physicist has concluded “everything is energy including matter itself”, after exhaustive research of studying the electron so deeply, all experiments and study have the same conclusion. There is nothing to be found upon mega magnification of positrons and quarks. When the electron, quarks, and positrons are magnified, their structures eventually fade into the nothingness of space, and nothing solid can be found. Radionics functions on the Chi energy of conscious direction and structure for purpose. Since “Everything” is literally the energy that merely appears and presents itself as solid matter is ultimately a structure of powerful energy. registers as matter when observed and viewed by ordinary microscopes. It looks as if it has structure, but when magnified with the most powerful of electron microscopes down to a subatomic level, in the visual spectrum there is nothing to see. This space is where radionics has its influence to begin the path to manifestation.

The following opinion is based on basic well known traditional scientific data and little known hermetic science. Gravity is one of, if not the most powerful force known to traditional science. What do we know about gravity? All planets have it, is their gravity different? Is their gravity the same? Is the force of Gravity the same Universally and it’s function depends on the chemical mass and atomic structure to determine force effects?

You can easily see how the Moon affects our tides, other planets affect our physical world too in ways we mostly cannot see but are as real as the muscles that move you. The Moon affects all Liquids including those which run through all living beings – blood. Do you understand the Moon directly affects your blood pressure? Traditional Biology and Astronomy haven’t yet acknowledged or officially “discovered” the force of Mars gravitation fields as related to its positions angle relative to Earth and related heavenly bodies. Mars forces and gravity are physically related to everything related to muscle. From muscle structure development to motor skills. What about the Mars angle to the Moon? It affects your heart pumping blood activities concerning muscle and liquids.

Traditional science has of yet to be enlightened to ALL planetary heavenly body’s hermetic effects. Such as the effects of our physical muscle development and their motor skill function are according to Mars and His motor. Most people are becoming slightly aware of the bad trends that manifest during a Mercury retrograde cycle. Their awareness tells of a much deeper mode and consequences when studied. Mercury is physically analogous to the Nervous system and brain development. Its gravitational forces include effect upon electrons and electricity. Mercury affects all electrical devices, communication, and transportation.

This may have something to do with it being the closest planet to the Sun, it’s orbital speed, and rate of rotation. Radionics is effective because it uses the Chi energy unified field and works sub atomically and actively vibrating in the empty space between all atoms of any object including its electrons. Chi is the physical-biological energy of the mind and separates from electricity but linked to it through electrons. The Chi of the mind directs the brain to speak which does create sound waves which are EMF affecting electrons and controlled by Chi. Chi fills the space between an electron and its atom, the constant rotation of the electron displaces the Chi and the Chi replaces itself as the electron passes it is a constant shift of Chi and electricity (electron) and it is Life Chi energy. Visually imagine stirring cake batter, as the spatula moves to displace the batter, the batter replaces itself as the spatula passes. This movement is constant in

all things living all living things are linked by this universal unified single filed of Chi energy. A dimension of its own (4th if you will) entwined in our physical world linked at a subatomic rate. Therefore, radionics work. You can study and get quite sophisticated with your radionics using Chi rates and adding EMF using sound and lasers. Your Affirmations can be pulled from several well-written astrology books using rates and angles. I mix shamanism into some of my radionic work using natural objects such as Eagle feathers, turtle shells, animal skulls, sharks’ teeth, and other fossils. A Canadian Snow Lynx has an amazing skill of finding unseen hidden rats. Everything i just described can be tuned in radionically. Everything has a vibration and can be tuned in. Call me and talk Radionics at (706) 502 – 0266 ask for Johnnymac

Highly Probable Possibilities can Manifest in 3 Days or Less

When you order any Orgone Radionic Generator from John MacDonald you will receive the best instruction and comprehensive training available. You will learn how to identify “Highly Probable” possibilities and manifest results quickly. A common situation of couples pairing up is an example of a highly probable possibility manifesting. There are signs before the choice is made and “chemistry” is one description that accurately describes the situation nicely and here is how the machines work in such a situation. In a situation where to single available adults work together and there is “chemistry” between the two of them, but nothing has ever happened. One of them decides to give the other a little push using their Welz Chi generator. So, they do an attraction operation and the Target immediately asks the operator for a date. With the “chemistry” already present the operation is almost too easy. Now, for tougher situations, you must learn to increase the probability factor for manifestation to occur. For example, take the same situation but Remove the highly probable factor of “chemistry”. Imagine in this situation that he likes her and she doesn’t even know his name. You must begin increasing the probability factor until the “chemistry” is triggered, then a manifestation will occur. Actual instruction here is too complex, what you will learn are the necessary methods of manifesting a relationship.

First, he wants her to notice him – so he does several different operations. One to learn of her likes and dislikes. One for her to associate fun, humor, and good times with him even when he is not around her. He will learn to create several trends to boost his standing in her opinion and of course cultivate physical attraction as well. This will be the same in all situations that are not “Highly Probable” be they business, work, relationships, or creative problem-solving. As you increase the probability factor and move towards your goal the law of attraction moves that goal towards you too. You will get inspiring ideas and information about your goals that will deliver the actions needed for them to occur. You immediately act upon what is revealed to you and Presto – manifestation happens.

Not only you will learn how to operate an Orgone Generator like a professional, you will also learn how to manifest your result and see changes in 3 days. Very often – complete results in 3 days or less.

And you will also know what corrective action to take should you, for some reason, not see your result coming in 3 days.

Keep in mind that we are talking about taking steps towards getting actual results. We are not talking about just feeling good, or feeling empowered and then going back where we began.

What we are talking about here is that if you want more money in your life – then you will get more money in your life within 3 days or will feel a drastic change that you need to take towards achieving your goal, should there be any interference. That’s what kind of results we are talking about.

Now, let’s get real here so there will no be confusion. We are not saying that if you are poor you will become a millionaire in 3 days. We are also not saying that it can’t happen either.

You realize that, for example, going from poverty to wealth will be an interesting and fun strategy. That’s because now you can write down all the steps needed to become wealthy and use a 3-day rule to achieve the next step of the ladder.

It should be very obvious by now that with Orgone Generator and training that comes with it from John MacDonald you will learn to attract wealth faster and easier than ever before. You are now a true master of your own destiny.

What could take decades to happen can now happen in days! What could never even happen in the first place can now happen in just a matter of weeks! That is the speed and power of you designing your life with an Orgone Generator.

John MacDonald is highly dedicated to your success. We are not interested in just selling you a product. What we are interested in is making you a true master of creating your life by design.

Let’s face it: when we make you successful, you will come to us for more and refer your loved ones to us. It is as simple as that. We believe in you!

Obviously, because of two reasons listed above, as well as many other reasons,

Chitechnology is your ultimate best resource to purchase Orgone Generators, Radionic Machines, software, and accessories.

In addition, Chitechnology includes a manifestation manual with every purchase of an Orgone Generator or Radionic Device. This easy to follow course was created by us and is available only and exclusively to our customers. It is a course that is written for your success and really makes a drastic difference.

Purchasing Orgone Generator or Radionic Device without knowing how to operate it, and most importantly how to manifest, maybe a very useless waste of your money and a great deal of frustration.

In addition, it can make your situation even worst as it was practically proven over and over.

We have a lot of people who purchased this fascinating equipment but did not acquire proper training coming to us with the problems of worsened situations. Now, make a clear judgment on where you shop by yourself.

On the other scale, when you have all the equipment and knowledge needed that allows you to instantly take full control of your life – your purchase becomes one of the wisest investments you can ever make.

* Free consultation services

* Free email support for every customer

* Individual training services

* Business and corporate training services

* Business and corporate assistance with equipment set up

* Diagnostic and divination services

* Manifestations and energy work services

* Genuine technology of Karl Welz (be aware of copycats and competitor claims)

* Free email support

Welz Chi Orgone Generators® are a new era for manifestation

With a Welz Chi Orgone Generator® you don’t have to sit and concentrate on money all day long. Write your affirmations, use appropriate “Trend Energies” set up prosperity operations, and be aware of ALL your thoughts and feelings concerning your operations and take actions as they are revealed to you and Manifestations occur.

No… All you do is write down your request on a piece of paper. Such a simple process takes only seconds and creates an extremely powerful link naturally and automatically.

And then, you simply put that piece of paper on the Orgone Generator. That’s it!

Some people describe Karl Welz’s invention with words like miracle, money machines, wish machines, etc. In reality, it is all science, and such an invention originated based on the knowledge that we are already surrounded by Life Force.

Create Your Life By Design

While those who don’t know about this fascinating technology struggle for years to see some minor improvements, if any, you can become a master of your own destiny in just days.

You will be able to completely design any aspect of your life the way you like it and bring it into actual reality – fast!

In fact, once you see how fast and easy it is – you will put all of your self-improvement books and courses aside.

This is exactly how thousands of people already enjoy the benefits of Orgone Generators from Karl Welz.