Carry energy wherever you are!
All transfer couples are made of Orgonite™ and invented by Karl Hans Welz .All transfer couples link the energy from the Welz Chi generator radionic device to the person carrying the transfer couples.All Transfer Couples have a unique organic Chi energy field based on their Organic content, both Transfer pieces of the couple are identical Orgonite™ composition for perfect structural link to your Chi Generator from any location.
All our transfer couple also boost the power of any of the Welz Chi generator radionic device.Karl Hans Welz has proved a law of negative entropy to be 4th dimensional math where distance is irrelevant based on the structure of a target or trend. The Chi energy itself is the 4th dimension intersected with all 3rd dimensional objects and space. It runs though everything both living and inanimate. It is the unified field that crackpot traditional science CAN”T find – it has long been discovered and you can use it to your advantage.
What can you use the transfer couple for?
- Use it to optimize food and water on the go, charge yourself with Chi Energy & more!
- The advantage of a transfer couple over a transfer via the genetic code (hair, blood, fingernails) or a photo is that you can put it aside at any time when you do not want – or need – any additional energy.
- You can also use the transfer couple to carry specific energies of influence with you with the help of the transfer couple and any of the Welz chi radionic devices. For example love, project charisma, generate money making ideas. Put a filter on your device at home with one part of the transfer couple, take another part with you – and you will carry that specific energy on you all the time. Contact me by phone (706) 502 – 0266 ask for johnnymac or email me at; to purchase filters and how to use them.
Carry any desired energy with you!
If you have a Welz Chi generator radionic device, you can set specific frequencies for many different purposes and use the transfer couple to link the energy from the machine to you. Here are some examples of frequencies and their uses.
- 0.30 – 0.15 Hz:neutralize depression and elevate and calm your mood.
- 0.9 Hz: for a mild feeling of euphoria.
- 4-7 Hz: Theta:memory recall, creativity and imagination, planning, dreaming, aid Zen meditation, create drowsiness.
- 7.83 Hz: The Earth Schumann Resonance, grounding, neutralize attempts at mind control, accelerated learning, neutralize stress.
- 10 Hz: Enhanced release of serotonin and dopamine, dull effects of a hangover and jet lag. The perfect frequency for Silva™ Mind control
We have a complete list of Chi Generator Frequencies, and here are just some examples of frequencies that you can carry on you with the help of Energy Transfer Couple
“The shortest distance between two points is a structural link” – John MacDonald
Light Weigh To-GO Energy Transfer
TC 99 transfer couple is small and light compare to the other transfer couples. Its perfect to buy several sets for your love one or family members so they can also benefits from the Chi or life force energy transfer from the Orgone Generator. A top of the line machines such as Rad 5 can deliver the chi energy to 5 people simultaneously.
Use it to optimize food and water on the go, charge yourself with Chi Energy & more!
How to use the TC99 transfer couple
Place one piece of the set on or in front of the output pipe of any Chi Generator or Radionic device and carry the structurally identical other piece with you. It’s that simple, it doesn’t matter which end of the transfer couple you put on a Chi Generator or Radionic and which end you carry on you.The image below shows the transfer rectangle on a key-ring and on the Rad1000.
![99raptc_BLACK38 99raptc_BLACK38](
Double Energy Transfer Couple
RAOPTC is larger than the TC99 so it’s 2x faster in optimizing food and water, provides more power, and is much more convenient for charging food and water quickly.
RAOPTC can optimize food, water and supercharge supplements at any distance – even if you are thousands of miles away from your Chi generator. A larger transfer plate means more energy for faster charge and optimization whether you are at work or halfway around the globe. You can place a glass or plate on the disks that is 3 and a quarter inches wide and optimize food and water anywhere.
You can also use RAOPTC to carry specific energies of influence with you. For example, you select “Attraction” energy to carry with you, you will notice that people become more drawn to you and get very attracted to you.
This is how to do it :
1) Select a specific Trend filter
2) place it with a Transfer disk on your Welz Chi generator with a written affirmation of desired results.
3) Carry the other part of the RAOPTC with you.
We have Custom filter packs for love, money, sex, protection, control, magic, sex appeal, planetary energies, zodiac energies, and pretty much any purpose you may ever need.
PBT 2400
![2400pbt_3BLACK 2400pbt_3BLACK](
Power Booster with Energy Transfer
Triple the Power!
Introducing a great way to triple the power of your Orgone Generator or Radionic Machine without upgrading. This transfer couple can do what the TC99 and RAOPTC can do but with more power and strength.
The Power Boosters of the PBT 2400 series are made of our Super-Orgonite® composite material that is significantly more powerful than the original Orgonite. Therefore, it will more than triple the output power of the JU 99 CE, and it effectively doubles the output of any middle of the line device while adding strength to the top of the line Heavy Duty Chi Generators.
How to use the PBT 2400 transfer couple
Carry the round transfer disk on you and put the other on the output pipe of the generator( Orgone Radionics Machine) With this simple arrangement, you can carry the energy of your Orgone Generator® with you – any place in the universe!
PBTBH 2400 Potency Booster
Potency Booster With Energy Transfer
The PBTBH 2400 Potency Booster is made of a very special Super-Orgonite composite material that has been specially formulated for the purpose of sexual energy enhancement.
The PBTBH 2400 provides you with massive life force that is enhanced with specific sexual-performance boosting energies! Put the Booster part next to your Chi Generator® (ideally a Heavy Duty Chi Generator®like the Rad 5 the Performer , the RAD 2400 HD, etc and carry the transfer disk on you, this combination creates massive amounts of sexual energy going straight to your pelvis. With this simple setup, you can carry the energy of your Orgone Generator® with you for assured transfer and excitement any place in the universe! The large transfer disk allows you to charge water, food and supplements with this energy.
At the same time you can use your Chi Generator or Radionic device to naturally create sexual opportunities, draw desired partners for sex, intensify your current relationship, achieve your wildest sexual desires, and the list goes on…
The PBTBH it is NOT a medical device and it cannot be used to heal any disease.
Protect Yourself With The Potency Booster
It is not a myth that work-related stress, frustration, constant worry and uncertainty can take a great toll on your sex drive, erection itself, and relationships.
What do you do? How do you protect yourself from most likely becoming sexually weaker and weaker on a daily basis, and maybe without even realizing it?
There are many good ways to protect yourself. One of them, which is very convenient and extremely powerful, is to counter work-related stress with a Chi Generator or Radionic device and at the same time employ the power of your Potency Booster. This great way of protection will leave you sexually healthier for years to come!